There are a number of potential reasons as to why you may not be receiving GPS signal. To check, follow the below instructions:
Be outdoors while attempting to use the GPS as a signal will not be available indoors. It may take up to four minutes to locate the satellites upon starting your Raptor. GPS will be located faster while standing still.
Your Raptor automatically searches for GPS, and defaults to the phone GPS when Raptor is connected to your phone. If you want to manually select the source from which you are receiving GPS data (from your phone or from Raptor’s onboard GPS), click this link.
If your phone has a power saving mode on, this may interfere with your phones ability to transmit GPS data to other devices such as Raptor. Please ensure that you do not have a power saving mode enabled to prevent this issue.
Android users: If you see “Optimized for Battery” on the Everysight app, tap on “Optimized for Battery” and choose “Allow” to stop the optimization and enable the app to transmit GPS data.
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